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Happy Party 是個充滿技巧也是可以共同創造回憶的遊戲,快來和家人一同享樂吧!
Blow out the candles and collect your gifts! In turn, each player throws the 2 dice. Find the candles on the board that match the dice and blow them out, being careful not to blow too hard – if the wrong candle falls it’s the end of your turn! If you succeed, draw a gift tile and if it’s on your list you get to keep it. The first player to have all the gifts on their list wins. Happy Party is an original game mixing dexterity and memory. A game the whole family will enjoy. With Happy Party it’s your birthday every day! content : 4 wish lists, 16 gift tiles, 8 candles with holders, 1 game board, 2 illustrated dice, game rules.