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其他資料列表: 1.The Nobel Peace Prize www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace 2015 Nobel Peace Prize. The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic ... www.peacecorps.gov "The Peace Corps experience is truly like none other and will be something you will take with you for the rest of your life." Drake Mayo, Peace Corps Volunteer internationaldayofpeace.org The International Day of Peace, also known as Peace Day, was brought into being by United Nations Resolutions in 1981 and 2001. Each year, hundreds of students take ... www.unitedforpeace.org United For Peace and Justice From the local to the global, connecting movements for justice and peace. www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2009 The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 was awarded to Barack H. Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". |
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